How Do I Get to This Page?
- On the Home page, select your initials in the upper-right corner. In the drop-down list, select Manage Apps & Users.
- Select Users.
- If you want to add a student, select Add Student.
If you want to edit a student's information, search for the student, then select the student's name.
How to View, Add, or Edit the Student's Information
Who can do this with default user permissions?
- School Network Level Administrators, School Network Staff, School Level Administrators: add and edit
- School Staff: view and clear lockouts in their school
- Teachers: view, tick Change Password box, and clear lockout for students in their class
You are viewing the Add Student page or the Details tab on the Student Information page. Teachers can view the information and unlock the student; school network level administrators, school network staff, and school-level administrators can also enter or change the student's information as needed. Note the following:
- Information that is required is marked with an asterisk (*). Other information is optional.
- You can press the Tab key to move from one field to the next.
- Note that student first and last names are limited to 35 characters.
- When you type the student's password, asterisks (*) or dots will be shown instead of the characters you type. If you are editing information, the number of dots does not necessarily show you the number of characters in the password; this is a security feature. Student passwords must be at least 2 characters long. They may have uppercase and/or lower case letters, numbers, and any of these special characters: !"#$%&')(*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~.
- To enter the gender, year, ethnicity, and language, use the drop-down lists. When a School Level Administrator adds a student, the student is automatically enrolled in that person's school.
- When you choose a year for a student, the year is automatically adjusted in previous and future school years; for example, if you choose 3 as the year for this school year, the program will show the student's year as 2 in the previous school year and 4 in the next school year.
- If you are editing a student, you will see the Display ID, which is the type of ID that will be shown on pages in the software and in reports. The school network level administrator chooses which type of student ID is displayed. You cannot change the Display ID. If you are a school network level administrator, you can select Change display ID to choose to display a different type of ID in the software and on reports.
- If you do not enter the Unique ID or Unique Pupil Number for a student you are adding, the software will create one for you. If you are editing a student's information, you will see the ID that was previously entered, created by the software, or imported.
- If you want to require the student to change his or her password after logging in next time, tick the User must change password at next login box.
- If a student has entered an incorrect password too many times, you can clear a student's locked account by selecting Unlock Student in the top right corner of the page.
- If you are editing a student who is already in the software, you can also choose to inactivate the student. To do that, select Inactivate Student above the table in the upper-right corner.
Be sure to give students their user names and passwords so they can log in for practice, quizzes, or tests. If the student password report is available, you can use it to create a list for each class.
If you are adding a student and want to add other students right away, select Save and Add, or select Save if you want to save this student only and set other information for the student. Select Cancel to leave the page without saving the information.
If you are editing a student on the Student Details tab, to save your changes, select Save; if you need to change information on other tabs, select those tabs and make your changes before selecting Save. If you do not want to save the changes, select Cancel to leave the Student Details tab.