If students' records were made inactive, you can activate them using the steps below.
How to Get to This Page
- On the Home page, select your initials in the upper-right corner. In the drop-down list, select Manage Apps & Users.
- Select Users.
- Select Edit Multiple Students under "Students".
- Select Manage Inactive Students.
How to Activate Inactive Student Records
Who can do this with default user permissions?
School Network Level Administrators, School Level Administrators
- Search for the student(s) whose records you want to activate. Enter a name, ID, or user name in the field at the top of the page. To find all students whose records have been inactivated, leave the field blank. Select the magnifying glass (search icon).
Search tips
- If you include a space in what you are searching for, the software assumes you are looking for a first name and last name (such as "John Smith").
- If you enter a last name first and then a first name, include a comma (such as "Smith, John"). This is especially helpful if you are using a last name that includes a space.
- If you enter characters without a comma or space, the software will look for names, user names, and IDs that start with that text. For example, "ann" might find students with the first name "Ann" or "Annabelle" or the last name "Anning", user names like "ann32", or IDs like "ann36278".
- In the search results, tick the box for each student whose records you want to activate.
- Select Recover Students. A green message at the top will tell you that the student records were activated.
- To search for more students, go back to step 1. When you have finished activating student records, select < Back.