The system status page gives you more information about the status of Renaissance products and any incidents that have occurred.
How Do I Get to This Page?
At the bottom of the Home page, personnel can select the System Status link.
You can also go directly to
Viewing the Status of Renaissance Products
The status page shows the overall status for Renaissance products, then the status of each product for each of the past 90 days:
- Green means there were no incidents.
- Blue means the product was under maintenance at some point that day.
- Yellow means the product had degraded performance at some point on that day.
- Orange means there was a partial outage on a day, such as an incident that only affected some users or certain features.
- Red means there was an incident that prevented use of the product on that day.
If you move your mouse over one of the bars, you can see what was affected and for how long.
Subscribing to Updates
To be notified of updates, select Subscribe to Updates at the top of the page.
Then, select the method you would like to use to be notified and enter the necessary information. In the example below, the email icon is selected, and the user needs to enter their email address and then select the Subscribe Via Email button.
After you choose to subscribe, you will be asked to select the products that you want to receive status updates for. If you do not want to receive updates for all products, click Select none above the list. Then, check the products that need updates for. When you have finished, select Save at the bottom of the page.
Viewing Historical Uptime
If you want to see the status information for days more than 90 days in the past, select View historical uptime above the product status bars.
On the next page, the Uptime tab will be selected. Use the drop-down list to choose the product whose status you would like to see.
Use the arrows to the right to go to a different three-month time period.
For the selected product and time period, you will see the status for each day. The colors used are the same colors that are shown on the current status page. If you move your mouse over a date, you will see whether there was an incident for the day and if so, what it was and how long it lasted. You can click the description of the incident ("DnA users unable to log in" in the example below) to open more detailed information, including when Renaissance began investigating the incident and when it was resolved.
To go back to the main page, select Current Status at the bottom of the page. To see a list of incidents by month, select the Incidents tab.
Viewing Incident History
At the bottom of the main status page, select Incident History.
You will go to the Incidents tab, where you will see a list of incidents that have occurred in the current three-month window. In the list of incidents for each month, you will see the incident name, description, date, and time. To open more detailed information, including when Renaissance began investigating the incident and when it was resolved, select the incident name. For months with more than three incidents, only the first three will be listed, but you will see a link to show all incidents for the month (and to hide/collapse the incident list again).
To see incidents for other three-month time periods, use the arrows.
To see only incidents for specific products, select Filter Components. Then, check the products and select the Filter Components button again to apply your choices.
To go back to the main/current status page, select Current Status under the list.