Are we allowed to place a link to Renaissance applications or tools on our school network or school web site?
Renaissance Accelerated Reader Bookfinder
If you have read and agree to the Terms of Use, go to (UK) or (Australia) and choose a user type. On the bottom of the page, click "Link Accelerated Reader Bookfinder to your school's web page" to open a new window with the source code for the AR Bookfinder button.
Renaissance Accelerated Reader Reading Snapshots
If you have read and agree to the Terms of Use, go to to find out more about using Reading Snapshots to share the amount of reading students have done or the percentage of students who are meeting their Accelerated Reader goals.
Renaissance Web-based Applications (including Renaissance Home Connect)
Use of the Renaissance button or the Renaissance Home Connect button (the "Button") is hereby granted on the following terms:
- Use is limited to schools and school networks which have a current valid license for use of a Renaissance software product.
- Use of the Button is limited to the school/school network website.
- The only allowed use on your website is direct linking to the Renaissance Web-based applications or the Renaissance Home Connect feature.
- Use of images of the Button is limited to presenting our products in dissertations, research reports, explaining the use of our products in the class, and stories about class results.
- The Button or an image of it may not be applied to any product or merchandise that is sold, licensed, or for which an admission charge is made.
- Only accurate reproduction is permitted. For example:
- Do not alter it in any way.
- Do not alter the relationship between graphics and logotype, and do not add words or version numbers.
- Do not remove our trademark or registration symbols.
- Do not translate or localise the logos.
- Do not set type yourself, change the font or alter the size, proportions, or space between letters.
- Always reproduce the complete image from the electronic artwork provided.
- Do not animate, mutate, or otherwise distort it.
- Do not rotate it or render it three-dimensional.
- Do not use any part of the image as a decorative element, background, or pattern.
- This permission may not be transferred or assigned, and will be revoked if the terms hereof are breached.
Use of the electronic files supplied by Renaissance constitutes acceptance this agreement and these usage guidelines. The image will be updated as changes are made, and it is the responsibility of the recipient to make sure the most recent version is being used.
If you agree to the terms above, use one of the following files to create your link.
For your Renaissance Home Connect site:
- Small Icon: Click HERE to open the GoToRenaissanceHomeConnect_Small.jpg file in your browser. Right-click on the image and choose Save Picture As, and save the file to a convenient location. (On a Macintosh computer, click on the icon, choose File -> Save As, and save the file to a convenient location.)
- Large Icon: Click HERE to open the GoToRenaissanceHomeConnect_Large.jpg file in your browser. Right-click on the image and choose Save Picture As, and save the file to a convenient location. (On a Macintosh computer, click on the icon, choose File -> Save As, and save the file to a convenient location.)
When you create the link, be sure to use the URL of your Home Connect website, as listed on the Home Connect Send Home Letter found under Reports.
If you would like to prevent student access to other Renaissance programs, such as Accelerated Reader, you must also implement the security option to Restrict Student Access to Renaissance Products by IP Address.
For your Renaissance site:
- Small Icon: Click HERE to open the GoToRenaissance_Large.jpg file in your browser. Right-click on the image and choose Save Picture As, and save the file to a convenient location. (On a Macintosh computer, click on the icon, choose File -> Save As, and save the file to a convenient location.)
- Large Icon: Click HERE to open the GoToRenaissance_Small.jpg file in your browser. Right-click on the image and choose Save Picture As, and save the file to a convenient location. (On a Macintosh computer, click on the icon, choose File -> Save As, and save the file to a convenient location.)
To ensure that your Renaissance web-based applications are set up securely and used reliably, we strongly encourage you to review the following Help topics:
We're working together to support parents, guardians, educators and students in the classroom and at home. Renaissance provides digital solutions to support students and their families everywhere they learn. Visit the Renaissance website for educator and family resources you may use to support remote quizzing and testing.