Product: Renaissance
Platform: Macintosh, Windows
Last Updated: 7/9/2022
Formatting delimited text files for import into Renaissance software.
If you have student information stored in another database or spreadsheet, these programs typically will allow you to create a text file of the information. You can add or update user information, courses, classes, and class enrollments by importing a flat file (CSV) containing this information using the Renaissance import feature or, if you prefer, we can do the import for you. If you choose to import the file yourself, use the instructions for importing comma-separated data files.
If you would prefer to have us upload your file (.txt, .csv, .xls, and .xlsx), please call us at +44 (0)20 7184 4000 or email to request access to a secure file sharing site where you can upload your file for import.
If emailing, in the subject line include "Flat file import Hosted," your school name, and your customer number. In the body of the email, please include the email address of the individual that needs access to the secure site (the person who will upload your file for import). The individual needing access will then receive an email with a link to the upload site. If you have difficulties creating the text file, or if you need more information about the import process, please contact Technical Support at
Basic Rules for Preparing a File That You Will Import
- You will need to create a file in CSV format for each school.
- In your file, the header row identifies the data in each column. Do not include any other data columns; these may cause the import to fail. See Self-Service Import: Tips and Examples for types of data you can import and the header codes to use.
- If your file does not include usernames or passwords, or the information provided does not meet requirements, they will be automatically generated during the import:
- For Students: Username = first initial followed by first four letters of last name and a number when necessary to ensure usernames are unique. Password = abc - all lowercase.
- For Teachers: Username = first initial followed by full last name and a number when necessary to ensure usernames are unique. Password = Same as the username for initial login. (User should reset their password at first login.)
- Some columns are required. See Self-Service Import: Tips and Examples and Self Service Template Information for guidance and to access a template.
- Delete the sample row of data in the Self Service Template before saving and importing your file.
- Once your file is complete, save your import file as a comma-delimited CSV file.
Basic Rules for Preparing a File to Send to Renaissance
- A separate file is required for each school. Please do not send a Microsoft Excel workbook with data for more than one school in separate sheets.
- In your file, the header row identifies the data in each column. Do not include any other data columns; these may cause the import to fail. See Self-Service Import: Tips and Examples for lists of data you can import and the header codes to use.
- If your file does not include usernames or passwords, or the information provided does not meet requirements, they will be automatically generated during the import:
- For Students: Username = first initial followed by first four letters of last name and a number when necessary to ensure usernames are unique. Password = abc - all lowercase.
- For Teachers: Username = first initial followed by full last name and a number when necessary to ensure usernames are unique. Password = Same as the username for initial login. (User should reset their password at first login.)
- Some columns are required. See Self-Service Import: Tips and Examples and Self Service Template Information for guidance and to access a template.
- Delete the sample row of data in the Self Service Template before saving your file.
- You can save your import file in one of the following formats: .txt, .csv, .xls, or .xlsx. We recommend naming each file with the school name and customer ID. (e.g., Renaissance Elementary_123456.csv).
- Email and request a secure link to upload your student data. In the subject line of the email, include "Flat file import Hosted," your school name, and your customer number. In the body of the email, include the email address of the individual that needs access to the secure site. The individual needing access will then receive an email with the link to the upload.
Self Service Template Information
View a self-service CSV template you can use to import staff and student information, courses, classes, and student enrollments/teacher assignments.
Self-Service Import: Tips and Examples
See tips and examples on preparing your import file.
Note: Column headers are color-coded indicating the following about each category of data:
- Dark Gray = Required
- Light Gray = Recommended
- White = Optional