When you need to transfer student records to your Renaissance site from another site, you begin by asking the administrator of the other site for the data as described below. Then, you use the code that you receive from that administrator to import students' information. The students and data also stay on the original site for reporting.
Students' Star Reading, Star Maths, and Star Early Literacy assessments, Accelerated Reader quiz records, and mastery information will be transferred. Star scores will include benchmark categories.
If the users and enrolments on your Renaissance site are brought over from your Student Information System, the students themselves should still come from that source system. However, you can still follow these steps to transfer the Renaissance data for the students. Make sure the students you are transferring are matched to those on your site correctly; if students are not matched, you may need to merge duplicate student records after you finish transferring students.
Who can do this with default user permissions?
School Network Level Administrators, School Level Administrators
Requesting Data from Another Site
- On the Transfer Student Data page, make sure the Import Student Data tab is selected.
- At the bottom of the page (under the pending and completed imports, if any), you will see three steps under "How do I request data from another site?". As these steps mention, you will need to find the contact information (especially the email address) for the school or school network that the student(s) are transferring from.
- When you have the email address, select View and copy email template under number 2 at the bottom of the page. You will see sample email text for a request. You can copy this text and use it in the email that you will send to the administrator of the site that currently has the data. Select Copy to copy the text; then, paste the text into your email.
This text tells the administrator of the other site what steps to follow to generate a transfer code for the data you are requesting. Since this sample may be either for a single student or an entire year, and since you might request data from either a school or a school network, you will need to change the text in red as needed. Be sure to include the specific student's name or the specific year you are requesting.
When the administrator has followed the steps you have sent, they will receive a Transfer Code that they can send to you so that you can import the data.
Importing the Data with the Transfer Code
Once you receive a transfer code from the administrator of the other Renaissance site, follow these steps to import the data for the student or year.
- Go back to the Transfer Student Data page and the Import Student Data tab as described above.
- Copy and paste the code into the Enter Transfer Code field, or type the code. Then, select Import Student Data.
A code cannot be used to transfer student data more than once. If the code has already been used, you may need to request student data again. You cannot use a code on the same site where the code was generated - in that case, the data is already on the site and does not need to be transferred.
Codes must be used within 30 days. If more than 30 days has passed since the code was generated, contact the administrator of the students' original Renaissance site and request a new code.
- You will see the previous school network and school for the student(s) whose data can be imported with this code. If this information is correct, select the Enrol students in drop-down list and choose the school that you would like to enrol the students into. Then, select Continue.
If this is not the correct data, select Go Back instead. - If you chose to import the data, the import will be added to the list of Pending Imports right below the field for the transfer code. If you have other pending imports/transfers, your newest transfer will be at the top of the list. The status will show that the software is analysing the data in preparation for the import preview. The process may take some time depending on how many students you are transferring; you can leave this page and come back later to see if the import preview is ready.
- When the preview is ready, you will see the number of new and matched students under the import preview. New students are those who do not match any student on your site, so they will be transferred as new students. Matched students match a student on your site, so their records will be merged with the matching records on your site.
- Select Review and Match Students to verify that the students you are importing have been matched properly to students who are already on your site.
It is important to review the student matches as described in the next step so that your transferred students' assessments and quizzes are matched to the right students on your site.
- Review the student matches; for instructions, see Transfer Student Data - Review and Edit Matches.
- When you have reviewed the student matches and you are ready to transfer the student(s), select Import Students to continue the transfer.
If you decide you do not want to transfer this data, select Cancel Import instead. Then, select Yes, Cancel to confirm that you want to cancel the transfer. If you change your mind later, you can re-enter the transfer code.
- A message will tell you that the data will be imported in the next 48 hours. (Data is often imported sooner.) The message also reminds you what to do once the import is complete:
- If the student(s) have not been in your Renaissance data before, you will need to enrol the student(s) in their classes.
- If the student(s) have already been on your site, and you did not match the students when you reviewed matches, you will need to merge the new student records with the existing student records on your site
Select OK to close the message. When the import is complete, it will be listed in the Completed Imports table at the bottom of the page. See the next section for more information.
Completed Imports
The table at the bottom of this page lists completed transfers/imports.
For each transfer you have performed, you will see the following:
- Requesting School: This is the school that the student(s) are being transferred into.
- Date: The date of the transfer.
- Students: If you transferred a single student, this will show you the student's name. If you transferred a year, you will see which year was transferred.
Status: This column tells you whether student information was transferred/imported successfully. Data may be "imported with no changes", or it may be "imported with changes" because of conflicts with information for students that are already on your site (such as an ID).
If you see "Import Failed" in the Status column, select the message. In the window that opens, you will see a reference code; contact Renaissance Support and provide the reference code to get assistance.
Actions: For successful transfers, select View Import Log to open or save a log of the transfer. (The log is a .csv file, which can be opened with spreadsheet programs.) The log provides more information about each of the students imported, including whether the import succeeded and if so, whether changes were made (SourceImportStatus). Changes may sometimes be made because of conflicts with information for existing students on your site.
The ScoreImportStatus column shows whether all or some of each student's Star and AR scores were imported.
After each student's first and last name and year, the file also provides the following information as it was on the source site and as it is on the destination site (this site) after transfer: student ID, user name, and email address. Use these columns to identify students and any changes between the source data from the original site and the destination data on your site.