How do I get to this page?
- Log in to Renaissance.
- On the Home page, select Star Reading, Star Early Literacy, or Star Maths. In the drop-down menu, select either Growth Expectation or Historical Extract.
Who can do this with default user permissions?
School Network Level Administrators, School Network Dashboard Owner, School Level Administrators
There are two types of student data that can be exported from Renaissance:
Historical: Gives you access to test data for Star Early Literacy, Star Maths, Star Reading, and Accelerated Reader. Historical extracts are useful for planning for a new school year (based on where students ended the previous year) and identifying trends in performance and growth for students or teachers.
Historical extracts are comma-separated value (.csv) files that can be opened in a spreadsheet program. -
Growth Expectation: Gives you access to growth expectation data for the current school year for Star Early Literacy, Star Maths, or Star Reading. Growth Expectation extracts are useful communication tools, providing information that can be used for evaluating educator effectiveness or during data retreats with staff, as well as aiding with school year planning (both at the end of the current school year and the start of the next one).
Growth expectation extracts are comma-separated value (.csv) files that can be opened in a spreadsheet program.
Exporting data for a large number of schools can take up to 48 hours to complete.
Creating a historical extract
Students must be enrolled in a class in the current school year to be included in a historical extract.
- On the Export Student Data page, Star Historical Extract should already be selected in the Export type drop-down list ; if it is not, select it.
- Use the Assignment Type drop-down list to select the assignment type you want to create the extract for:
Assignments from assessment apps: When you select this assignment type, second-level (Application) and third-level (Assignments) drop-down lists will appear; use them to more narrowly focus on a particular type of data to include in the export:
Application Assignments Star Early Literacy Assessment Star Early Literacy Assessment Star Maths Assessment Star Maths Assessment Star Reading Assessment Star Reading Assessment -
Practice: When you select this assignment type, second-level (Application) and third-level (Assignments) drop-down lists will appear; use them to more narrowly focus on a particular type of data to include in the export:
Application Assignments Accelerated Reader Literacy Skills Quiz Accelerated Reader Other Reading Quiz Accelerated Reader Reading Practice Quiz Accelerated Reader Vocabulary Practice Quiz
Assignments from assessment apps: When you select this assignment type, second-level (Application) and third-level (Assignments) drop-down lists will appear; use them to more narrowly focus on a particular type of data to include in the export:
- Use the Schools drop-down list to choose which schools to include in the extract. You can select All Schools at the top to tick or un-tick all the schools at once, or you can tick or un-tick individual schools. (If you only have access to one school, you will not need to select one.)
- Use the School Years drop-down list to select which school years' data you want to include in the extract. You can select All School Years at the top to tick or un-tick all the school years at once, or you can tick or un-tick individual years.
- Select the Date for Projected Score field ; then, either enter the date that you want to predict the projected Scaled Score for in the historical extract, or select the calendar on the right side of the field to pick the date from the pop-up calendar. (The date must be a future date, no more than 3 years from today's date.)
- After you make your selections, select Generate Extract .
- At the bottom of the page you will see a list of historical extracts that you have created in the last five days (exports expire from the job history after five days). When your extract is complete, it will appear in the list with Ready in the Status column . Select the Download Extract link in the Files column to download the file to your computer.
If you experience failures when creating an extract, please contact Renaissance at +44 (0)20 7184 4000 (UK) or +61 2 4225 9698 (AU), or use Live Chat.
Creating a growth expectation extract
- On the Export Student Data page, Growth Expectation Extract should already be selected in the Export type drop-down list ; if it is not, select it.
- Use the Assignment Type drop-down list to select the application you want to create the extract for: Star Reading, Star Early Literacy, or Star Maths.
- Use the Schools drop-down list to choose which schools to include in the extract. You can select All Schools at the top to tick or un-tick all the schools at once, or you can tick or un-tick individual schools. (If you only have access to one school, you will not need to select one.)
- Use the Growth Expectations drop-down list to select an SGP value that you want the students to reach—the values range from 5 SGP to 70 SGP, in increments of 5.
- After you make your selections, select Generate Extract .
- At the bottom of the page you will see a list of growth expectation extracts that you have created in the last five days (exports expire from the job history after five days). When your extract is complete, it will appear in the list with Ready in the Status column . Select the Download Extract link in the Files column to download the file to your computer.
If you experience failures when creating an extract, please contact Renaissance at +44 (0)20 7184 4000 (UK) or +61 2 4225 9698 (AU), or use Live Chat.
Data in the Extracts
You can expect to see the following types of information in the extracted files; the specific information appearing will depend on what type of extract was created and what information was available in the original source data.
Column Header | Historical Extract | Growth Expectation Extract | Description |
Activity Completed Date | Date the assessment or quiz was completed. Note: Times shown are in UTC. | ||
Activity ID | Unique identifier for the specific assessment taken by the student. | ||
Activity Type | Type of activity taken by the student. | ||
Ambitious Growth Rate In SS Per Week | A growth rate per week in Enterprise scaled score that denotes ambitious growth. | ||
American Indian Or Alaskan Native | "Yes" if selected as ethnicity in Renaissance, "No" if not selected. | ||
Asian | "Yes" if selected as ethnicity in Renaissance, "No" if not selected. | ||
ATOS Book Level | Book Level. | ||
Author | Last name, first name of author. | ||
Benchmark Category | Three benchmarks: At/Above Benchmark, On Watch and Intervention for all measures except Rapid Picture Naming and Rapid Color Naming which have two: (At/Above Benchmark and Intervention) | ||
Birthdate | Student's birthdate. | ||
Black Or African American | "Yes" if selected as ethnicity in Renaissance, "No" if not selected. | ||
Class Code | ID of the class where the student tested. | ||
Class Name | Name of the class at the time of testing. | ||
Class Renaissance ID | Internal ID for the class created by Renaissance when the class is first created. | ||
Completed Test Date | Date the student completed the assessment. | ||
Content Language | Language of book that was read (EN, SP or blank). | ||
Content Title | Title of book. | ||
Course Code | ID of the course where the student tested. | ||
Course Name | Name of the course where the student tested. | ||
Course Renaissance ID | Internal ID for the course created by Renaissance when the course is first created. | ||
Current | "Yes" if the test represents the current SGP of the student, "No" otherwise. | ||
Current Grade | Student's grade enrollment in Renaissance at the time the extract was run. | ||
Current SGP | Current Student Growth Percentile (SGP) for the student. | ||
Current SGP Vector | Testing windows used to calculate current SGP. | ||
Decile | The decile band the equated CPM score places a student in relative to other students of the same grade and season. | ||
District Benchmark Category | Name of the benchmark category that the test falls in as measured against the district benchmarks. | ||
District ID | An ID for the district generated by Renaissance (internal identifier). | ||
District Identifier | ID in Renaissance for the district (supplied by user). | ||
District Name | Name of the school district in Renaissance. | ||
District Renaissance ID | Internal ID for the district created by Renaissance when the district is first created. | ||
District State ID | State ID for the district, blank if not provided by the district or state. | ||
Enrollment Status | Student is either currently Enrolled or Unenrolled. | ||
Equated Attempted Per Minute | Equated number of items per minute the student attempted to answer. | ||
Equated Correct Per Minute | Correct per minute (CPM) score. | ||
Equated Number Attempted | Equated number of items the student attempted to answer. | ||
Equated Number Correct | Equated number of items the student answered correctly. | ||
Equated Percent Correct | Percent correct (accuracy), adjusted for difficulty of the form for the measure being assessed. | ||
Est. ORF | Estimated oral reading fluency score generated by the test. | ||
Expectation End Date | The last day of the current school year that is set in Renaissance. | ||
Expectation SGP | Growth Expectations based on the SGP value selected by the customer. Applies to all students. | ||
Fiction | Fiction or Non-Fiction category of book. | ||
Form ID | Unique ID to identify the measure and form within the measure. For measures that are grade-level dependent, the grade level is part of the form identifier. | ||
Gender | Student's gender (M for male, F for female, or U for unidentified). | ||
Grade Equivalent | Grade equivalent generated by the test. | ||
Group ID | ID of the group where the student tested. Internal ID created by Renaissance for a collection of one or more users. | ||
Group Or Class Name | Name of the class or group where the student tested. | ||
Hispanic Or Latino | "Yes" if selected as ethnicity in Renaissance, "No" if not selected. | ||
Instructional Reading Level | Instructional reading level generated by the test. | ||
Last Student Status | Student's status as met expectations or below expectations. Display is based on the most recent SGP. | ||
Lexile Measure | Book Level in Lexile® Measure. | ||
Lexile Range | Represents the boundaries between the easiest kind of reading material for the student and the level at which the student will be more challenged yet can still read successfully. | ||
Lexile Score | Scaled Scores reported as Lexiles in certain reports. | ||
Literacy Classification | The literacy classification a student is placed in based on the Scaled Score from a Star Early Literacy assessment. | ||
Maintain PR Growth Rate In SS Per Week | A growth rate per week in scaled score needed maintain this student's percentile rank. | ||
Measure Name | Measure being assessed. | ||
Moderate Growth Rate in SS Per Week | A growth rate per week in Enterprise scaled score that denotes moderate growth. | ||
Multirace | "Yes" if multiple ethnicities are selected for the student in Renaissance, "No" if one or no ethnicities selected. | ||
Native Hawaiian Or Other Pacific Islander | "Yes" if selected as ethnicity in Renaissance, "No" if not selected. | ||
Non-Fiction | Fiction or Non-Fiction category of book. | ||
Normal Curve Equivalent | Normal curve equivalent generated by the test. | ||
Percent Correct | Student's percent correct on quiz (0–1). | ||
Percentile Rank | Percentile Rank placement generated by the test. | ||
Projected Scaled Score | The projected Scaled Score of the student on the Expectation End Date. | ||
Projected SS Ambitious | The student's projected scaled score for ambitious growth. | ||
Projected SS Moderate | The student's projected scaled score for moderate growth. | ||
Projected SS To Maintain PR | The student's projected scaled score needed to maintain this student's percentile rank. | ||
Projected Status | Projected student's status on the Expectation End Date represented as above expectations or below expectations. | ||
Purpose | Purpose for the assessment: Screening (1st assessment of the recommended screening measure in a screening window), Progress Monitoring, or Other. | ||
Quartile | The quartile band the equated CPM score places a student in relative to other students of the same grade and season. | ||
Questions Correct | Total count of questions student answered correctly. | ||
Questions Presented | Total count of questions on Accelerated Reader quiz. | ||
Quiz Number | Quiz number for the quiz that was taken. | ||
Renaissance Activity ID | Renaissance ID of the activity taken by the student | ||
Renaissance Client ID | Renaissance customer number; used internally to track customer within Renaissance. | ||
Scaled Score | Scaled score placement in Star Enterprise scale generated by the test. | ||
School Benchmark Category | Name of the benchmark category that the test falls in as measured against the school benchmarks. | ||
School ID | An ID for the school generated by Renaissance (internal identifier). | ||
School Identifier | ID in Renaissance for the school (supplied by user). | ||
School Name | Name of the school where the student is currently enrolled. | ||
School Renaissance ID | Internal ID for the school created by Renaissance when the school is first created. | ||
School State ID | State ID for the school, blank if not provided by district, school, or state. | ||
School Year | Name of the school year in Renaissance. | ||
School Year End Date | Last day of the school year in Renaissance. | ||
School Year Start Date | First day of the school year in Renaissance. | ||
Screening Window End | End date of the screening window for this test. | ||
Screening Window Name | Name of the screening window. | ||
Screening Window Start | Start date of the screening window for this test. | ||
Season | Fall: Earlier of August 1 or SY start date to November 30, Winter: December 1 through March 31, Spring: April 1 through later of July 31 or SY end date | ||
SGP Test Types | The types of tests used when calculating current SGP: Reading Only or Math Only. | ||
State Benchmark Category | Name of the benchmark category that the test falls in as measured against the state benchmarks. | ||
Student Email | Student's email address in Renaissance. | ||
Student First Name | Student's first name in Renaissance. | ||
Student Identifier | Field selected as Display ID. | ||
Student Last Name | Student's last name in Renaissance. | ||
Student Middle Name | Student's middle name in Renaissance. | ||
Student Renaissance ID | Internal ID for the student created by Renaissance when the student is first created. | ||
Student State ID | Student's state ID in Renaissance, blank if not provided. | ||
Student User ID | Specified by OneRoster and intended to contain an optional, machine-readable ID. | ||
Student User Name | Login name for the student. | ||
Taken At | Student's response to "Are you inside your school?" question that they are asked before taking a Star assessment. School, Away, or NA (unable to determine). | ||
Taken At By IP Address | Currently unused; reserved for future use. | ||
Target Scaled Score | Estimates the minimum Scaled Score the student needs to achieve to meet the Growth Expectations on the Expectation End Date. | ||
Teacher Email | Teacher's email address in Renaissance. | ||
Teacher First Name | Teacher's first name where the student tested. | ||
Teacher Identifier | Internal teacher ID. | ||
Teacher Last Name | Teacher's last name where the student tested. | ||
Teacher Middle Name | Teacher's middle name where the student tested. | ||
Teacher Notes | Teacher observations noted during the assessment. | ||
Teacher Renaissance ID | Internal ID for the teacher created by Renaissance when the teacher is first created. | ||
Teacher State ID | State ID of the teacher where the student tested. | ||
Teacher User ID | ID in Renaissance of the teacher where the student tested. | ||
Teacher User Name | Login name for the teacher. | ||
Test Mode | Online: both the student and the teacher use a computer or device for content delivery and scoring. Mixed Format: only the teacher uses the computer for scoring while the student uses a paper form and answers questions verbally. Print: both the teacher and the student use printed forms. The teacher scores items while the student answers verbally. | ||
Time Taken | Elapsed time in seconds required for the student to complete the assessment, or the elapsed time before the teacher ended the assessment. | ||
Unified Scale | Unified scaled score placement generated by the test. | ||
Used Audio | Whether student used audio when taking the test (determined by setting of Star Math Audio Preference). | ||
Used Extended Time | "True" if student exceeded the following time limits when taking a Star test:
Otherwise "False" |
White | "Yes" if selected as ethnicity in Renaissance, "No" if not selected. | ||
Window | "Yes" if the test represents a window SGP of the student, "No" otherwise. If there is a "Yes" in this column, the Activity Completed Date and Scaled Score fields in this row represent the date of the Window test and the scaled score of the Window test. | ||
Window SGP Prior Test 1 Date | The date of the first official test that feeds in to the window student growth percentile listed. | ||
Window SGP Prior Test 1 Scaled Score | The scaled score of the first official test that feeds in to the window student growth percentile listed. | ||
Window SGP Prior Test 2 Date | The date of the second official test that feeds in to the window student growth percentile listed. | ||
Window SGP Prior Test 2 Scaled Score | The scaled score of the second official test that feeds in to the window student growth percentile listed. | ||
Word Count | Total word count of books read. | ||
ZPD Range | Zone of proximal development, in ATOS scale, generated by the test. |
Dates in Excel displaying as time? See Knowledge Base article 13002491.