How do I get to this page?
- Log in to Renaissance.
- On the Home page, select your initials in the upper-right corner. In the drop-down list, select Manage Apps & Users.
- On the Manage Apps & Users page, select School Calendar.
- On the School Calendar page, select the Screening Windows tab.
- Above the upper-right corner of the table of school network screening windows, select Create School Network Screening Window.
Note: If all the school network screening windows have been deleted, including the defaults, you will see this message instead. Select Create a school network screening window and follow the instructions below.
Who can do this with default user permissions?
School Network Level Administrators, School Network Staff
rules for creating new school network screening windows:
- School network screening windows must fall within the current school year.
- You can create up to 10 school network screening windows within the school year.
- School network screening windows cannot overlap with any other school network or school screening window.
- A school network screening window must be at least 1 day long and can be as long as the entire school year.
- School network screening windows are used by school network level administrators and school network staff to view assessment data at the school network level in Schoozilla and Renaissance Next for Leaders. A school network screening window can include all schools in the school network or a specific subset of schools. Note: School network screening windows are not used in Renaissance reports; the "school network screening windows" appearing on Renaissance reports are actually school screening windows that are tied to the school network.
- Note: If you are creating school network screening windows to be used for "Window to Window SGPs," they will need to align with our SGP windows.
- Enter a unique name for the screening window in the School Network Window Name field.
- Select the start and end dates for the window. You can either type the range in the Date Range field or select the icon on the right side of the field to open a pop-up calendar where you can select the dates (select Apply on the calendar when you are done).
- Although school network screening windows can apply to all schools in a school network, they do not have to. Check the schools you want to include in the school network screening window you are creating (use the Select All/None box at the top to check/uncheck all the schools at once). If you want to find a specific school, enter its name in the field to the right of the list.
Each school you check will have a field added with the dates you chose in the prior step. (Note: If you subsequently change those dates in the Date Range field at the top of the page, select Apply to All Selected Schools to the right of the date range field to update the information for all the selected schools.) - Not every school in the school network screening window will need to use the same dates. You can give a school its own dates by entering them in the date field at the end of the row (the same way you did for the Date Range field earlier).
In the example above, the date range for the school network screening window is 1/9–30/9. The school network wants to use different testing dates for the different school levels, so they have been changed (but still fall within the overall date range): Western River School's test window is from 1/9–10/9, North Heights School's test window is 10/9–20/9, and the two primary schools' test window is from 20/9–30/9. If schools use their own unique date ranges within a school network screening window, those ranges will all have the same name; in reports using these ranges, the dates they cover will be added to the end of the name so you can tell them apart.
When determining whether a test falls within a testing window or outside a testing window, the dates for the individual schools are used, not the overall school network screening window.
- When you are finished, select Create Window. The window will be added to the school network screening windows table; selecting the arrow on the right end will expand it to show the schools and dates that are using the window.
Note: "All Test Types" includes:
- Star Reading
- Star Early Literacy
- Star Maths