- Users - View Students
- View, Add, or Edit Student Details
- Unlocking Your Students
- Student Characteristics
- Student Information, Non-Participation Status
- Student Enrolment - School and Class
- Student Password Report
- Edit Multiple Students
- Edit Years of Multiple Students
- Edit Student Characteristics for Multiple Students
- Edit School Enrolments for Multiple Students
- Add/Remove Students from a Class
- School Network-wide Account Actions (Multiple Students - Unlock Accounts and Password Changes)
- Clearing Locks for Students School Network
- Reset Student Password (Multiple Students)
- Transferring Student Data from Site to Site
- Merging Student Records
- Exporting Student Data
- Entering IP Addresses and Restricting Student Access
- Promoting Students
- Making an Individual Student Inactive
- Making Multiple Student Records Inactive
- Activate Inactive Student Records